Quotidiano Nazionale
Quotidiano Nazionale relied on Mokka Studios to revolutionize their digital presence, merging several newspapers on one innovative platform.
Quotidiano Nazionale relied on Mokka Studios to revolutionize their digital presence, merging several newspapers on one innovative platform.
Quotidiano Nazionale, a historic consortium of Italian newspapers, preserve their regional identities while adapting to the digital age. By migrating their newspapers to a unified multi-site platform, they created a seamless user experience, allowing readers to access content tailored to their interests.
The modernized website and advertising system enabled Quotidiano Nazionale to generate revenue and thrive in a rapidly changing media landscape, staying true to its roots.
Quotidiano Nazionale and Mokka Studios faced challenges in preserving regional identities while unifying several newspapers on one platform.
Balancing user experience, migrating content, and implementing an effective advertising system were complex tasks.
Ensuring scalability, effective collaboration, and meeting time constraints added to the project's difficulty, highlighting the need for strategic planning and clear communication.
Mokka Studios provided Quotidiano Nazionale with a unified platform that preserved regional identities, offered seamless navigation, and ensured an intuitive user experience.
We meticulously executed content migration, developed a customized advertising system, and built a scalable, flexible platform.
Through open communication and efficient project management, Mokka Studios successfully launched the platforms, meeting the needs of both the consortium and its audience.
The development team consisted of two experienced frontend developers that created the tools and infrastructure, developed the application functionality, performed QA testing, and set up all releases.
The entire process was supervised and directed by a project manager, who was responsible for delivering a high-quality application on time.